Lilium Acupuncture + Herbs Facial Acupuncture

Facial acupuncture offers a holistic and effective approach to skincare, helping to restore radiance from within.

It increases blood circulation, tones facial muscles and stimulates collagen production. Facial acupuncture is most commonly used to mitigate dull, lifeless or aging skin. It is equally beneficial for problematic or acne prone skin where the goal is to promote detoxification, reduce inflammation and heat (pimples) and balance hormones.


Facial Acupuncture

Your skin is your largest organ and a reflection of your internal health.  Facial acupuncture and the principles of traditional Chinese medicine offer a holistic and effective approach to skincare, helping to restore radiance from within.

Specifically, facial acupuncture increases blood circulation, tones facial muscles and stimulates collagen production.  On a deeper level, the treatments work to restore balance to any internal conditions that may be manifesting on the face.

“In other words, the lasting solution to your breakouts or sagging skin might not be a cream or device, but rather a healthier, more balanced body.” – Vogue article, 5 Surprising Beauty Benefits of Acupuncture 


Facial acupuncture is most commonly used to mitigate dull, lifeless or aging skin, but can also be used in your 20's and 30's to help prevent the signs of aging. 

It’s equally beneficial for problematic or acne prone skin, where the goal is to promote detoxification, reduce inflammation and heat (pimples) and balance hormones.  

Additional issues such as puffiness and skin discoloration from acne scarring or melasma can also benefit from treatment. 


The key to achieving toned, brighter and healthier looking skin through facial acupuncture is consistency. Through acupuncture we are sending messages to the face and body, and a series of treatments, ideally 6 - 8 are recommended for longer lasting results.  For this reason I’ve created two different treatment options.

Basic facial acupuncture: 1 hour, includes the Reiki “body scan” along with acupuncture on face and body.

Elevated facial acupuncture: 1.5 hours long and includes everything on the basic treatment but with the addition of a facial mask and jade roller treatment. Please note that these appointments are not a traditional facial as in no extractions, steaming or deep cleansing etc... are completed.  It is advised that you arrive at the appointment with clean, bare skin.   

Facial acupuncture can be completed anytime prior to Botox, but should not be completed within 2 – 3 weeks after Botox or 3 – 4 weeks after fillers.   It is not recommended for patients on blood thinning medication.