The insertion of ultra thin, sterile, disposable stainless steel needles in specific points on the body.
In an Eastern sense, acupuncture points are located on meridians, or pathways of energy flow. These meridians run from the top of the head to the tips of the toes, and connect to each other, and different parts & organs within the body. Pain and disease can arise when there is a blockage in these meridians.
In a Western sense, acupuncture points are areas on the body that have a high concentration of nerve endings. Stimulation of these points can produce systemic changes in the body that help to restore homeostasis, increase blood flow, reduce inflammation and decrease pain.
Acupuncture is cumulative so the treatments build upon each other. It is generally recommended to come consecutively till your symptoms change. At that point we then start to reduce treatments and move to a maintenance schedule. For example, if you have struggled with a particular ailment for a few years, you will most likely need more than one acupuncture session to create real change. Healing takes time. All recommendations are outlined during your first visit and are specific to you.